Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Data Data Everywhere

Students worked together to share ideas about a positive classroom learning environment. From their ideas shared through a Google Sheet, I manipulated the data slightly so they could make WordClouds to better understand and share their results. Of course I explained how and why I manipulated the data to make this happen. Know your source, know their purpose.

The prompts:

Their voices:

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Getting Creative with File Types

Our classes are exploring another side of Google Slides as they learn about some drawing tools and different image files. To kick things off they were tasked with making a letter with the curve or polyline tool. This letter needed to be downloaded as a png file with a transparent background. The kids explored different colors, borders, and some used the gradient tool. A few kids had fun making words and first names. 

Next up, students will create a simple drawing before completing the final task of making a digital avatar of themself. Stay tuned for these gems. They will be awesome, I promise!

Then students explored grouping objects together and rotating their object to form snowflakes and flowers. Take a look at our snow storm file which included snowflakes from every class and our flower garden for friends who chose to make flowers instead. 


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Tag Your It Web Design Projects

Our eighth graders recently worked on some basic web design projects learning basic HTML and CSS around a topic of interest. We began with some discussions around the internet, the world wide web, browsers and search engines along with a brainstorming activity to identify topic ideas for building their website. 

After topics were identified we discussed and explored some basic HTML tags. Students began building their website while research their topic and in some cases building their own resources. W3 Schools, a resource for learning new HTML, CSS, and Javascript was introduced and explored. Here are a few examples. Enjoy!

Letters of Letters Mythology
Violas InPulse